DDR was presented with this Steuben Glass Partnership award by Millennium Pharmaceuticals in recognition of the critical role played in the launch of their first commercial product.
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DDR Sponsoring Cape Cod Getaway 2010
The DDR Rolling Bones will once again do their part in the fight against MS by riding in the Cape Cod Getaway June 26-27 to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS). The NMSS supports novel research projects around the globe, providing much needed education, programs, and services to everyone who is affected by MS - including the diagnosed, their friends and families, and the healthcare professionals who work with them.
Make a donation online! Send in a check! Talk to your employer about becoming a sponsor of the Bike MS Ride! There are so many ways to make a difference in creating a world free of MS, and it all begins right here. Join our team as a cyclist and DDR will match the first $250 you raise!
Click the link, join the team, and start training. The Cape Cod Getaway has one or two day ride options. Support a great cause and while getting into shape!
DDR Rolling Bones Raise over $5,000 for MS in the Cape Cod Getaway 2009
The DDR cycling team The Rolling Bones, all founding members of the famed Rolling Clones, rolled in the 2009 Bike MS Ride, Cape Cod Getaway raising over $5,000 to help in the fight against multiple sclerosis. Funds go to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), and organization dedicated to ending the scourge of MS. In addition to supporting novel research projects around the globe, NMSS also provide much needed education, programs, and services to everyone who is affected by MS - including the diagnosed, their friends and families, and the healthcare professionals who work with them. We know that riding 150 miles over 2 days is nowhere near as difficult as confronting a lifetime with multiple sclerosis. It is the least we can do.
Join our team as a cyclist or a volunteer in 2010! Put us in your 2010 budget! Talk to your employer about becoming a sponsor of the Bike MS Ride! There are so many ways to make a difference in creating a world free of MS, and it all begins right here.
Switch your focus from these difficult times to doing something for the people who have been diagnosed with MS. Plus get into shape. If you are interested in joining us in 2010, contact Daren Crossman at Daren_Crossman@msn.com. Join our team and start training!